Radio control: Industrial environment
Radio control in industries and companies is another of our usual activities. In these environments, it is often necessary, not only for the usual health reasons, but also, many times, for possible interferences and problems generated in the installation:
- To know which devices are sources of radioelectric pollution.
- Check the magnitude and extent of interference.
- Check the effectiveness of the control measures that have been taken.
- Ensure compliance with the law and the healthiness of the work environment for employees and people.
Possible areas of interest:
- Areas with high electrical consumption machinery: Factories with large motors, voltage variators, and in general devices that consume large amounts of electricity and/or produce strong current transients.
- Emitting devicesActivities that have apparatus whose purpose is the emission through the radioelectric spectrum:
- Telecommunications centers.
- Radio stations.
- Radars.
- Areas protected by frequency jammers or other similar devices: secured areas, military areas, etc.
Methodology of work:
Always following the protocol set by the regulations, our purpose is always:
- Study of the documentation: Basically, calculation of the theoretical emission maximums, as well as their frequencies and locations.
- Field measurements.
- Study of the measurements and information collected and preparation of the report: In the case of an industrial environment, the operation and purpose of the electronics under investigation must be known in order to know the possible causes of the interferences, as well as their effects.
- Assessment of possible palliative measures.
- Delivery of the report and discussion with the client.