Radioelectric studies: step prior to installation
The Royal Decree 1066/2001 of September 28th establishes the need to carry out a previous radioelectric level measurement before the implementation of any type of transmitter center (telephone exchange, radio-link, radio station, etc). This is known as radioelectric studies.
The purposes of these studies are:
- Verify that the radioelectric emission level is not exceeded prior to installation.
- To serve as a comparison and reference in subsequent issues.
- Establish the suitability of the site in this regard.
We have been performing this type of study for multiple telecommunication companies and we can offer you the following services:
- Radioelectric study with the 5 points of maximum radiation established by law + all the sensitive centers within the established radius.
- Delivery of personalized documentation, with photographs and plans in the format of your choice.
- Service in less than 48 hours for the delivery of measurements, anywhere in Catalonia, Galicia, Valencia and Aragon.
We will verify in this study that the radiation levels in the area of the site are lower than those required by law and we will provide you with the documentation in the format established by law.
This study is complemented after the installation of the emitting center and periodically through the radioelectric certification that is carried out every two years and that ensures that the emissions regulations continue to be complied with over time.
If you need radioelectric studies or certifications, we have all the necessary material for the measurement and a wide experience in this type of tasks.